Blog: For Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Jews... Or, Much A-Blog About Nothing...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I feel pretty, oh so pretty!

Ok this is going to be a pretty boring post. Oh, wait, that's how ALL of my posts are, LOL! :-p

Anyhooz, this summer has been a rough one, but it has also brought about some changes in my life that I am very excited about. I have started working out and eating better, and am well on my way to being the "best me" I can be. If anyone is interested, I highly recommend Bob Greene's "The Best Life Diet" because it's really about making a lifestyle change, not just being on a diet.

This is really cheesy but the reason I was inspired to post today was because I just got my hair cut and it is suuuuuuper cute! It's the little things in life, I guess you could say. See, I'm sort of in the process of growing my hair out after an incident last winter when I decided that I'd look good as a redhead (when I'm platinum blonde naturally---ha ha that was fun, not!). Anyway, my hair is back to it's natural Marilyn Monroe hue, but unfortunately it had taken on a bit of a mullet-ish look. And as attractive as mullets are, I just wasn't really feelin' it. So I made an appointment with my fabulous hairstylist and voila! I'll post a picture on here if I can figure out how to rig my brother's digital camera, but imagine a modified version of Posh Spice's hairstyle.

Ok, enough of my lame blather about hairstyles and diets, I have laundry to get out of the dryer. Hope that everyone is having a good week---just think, Shabbos is just a day away!



1 comment:

orieyenta said...

(Your title is going to have me singing that song all day!)

Good for you for working out and eating better - it's a lot of hard work but good health is so worth it :)

I'm sure your new haircut is awesome.

Shabbat Shalom.