Blog: For Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Jews... Or, Much A-Blog About Nothing...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Truly a Tragedy

By now, I am sure, most have you are aware of the terrible tragedy that occurred at Virginia Tech yesterday. I don't have much to say on the subject, other than it breaks my heart, and shakes me to my very core.

I am sure that we are all praying for the families and loved ones of all those touched by this horrible event.

1 comment:

RaggedyMom said...

As a parent, this awful story shakes me to the core. Hila, being that you are currently a college student, I'm sure that you also have a different perspective on the tragedy and that it hits a very raw nerve for you and your fellow students.

Let's pray that nothing this unspeakable ever repeats itself.